Sunday, September 14, 2008


I can't figure out how to get my ribbon in properly. Dammit. On another dammit-type note, my parents want me to attend the church youth group again. I think we have the same argument about this every single time.

Me: I hate it there, I don't have anything in common with them.
Parent: Well, maybe maybe if you talked to them, you'd find something to talk about.
Me: I don't agree with them on any point any of them has made.
Parent: Say so, and maybe they'll learn something new.
Me: I think I've told them all of my points before and they're just as annoying now as then.
Parent: Well maybe you should listen to them more! All you ever do is talk and never listen.

This is usually the point where I give up, because I already see hypocritical points here. Same conversation every time. Drives me mad. Couldn't they at least try for a new argument?

Apparently hypocritically yours,

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