Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Weirdest Dream Ever.

While I was sleeping today, I had the weirdest dream I've ever had. It went like this:

So I’m at skool. But it’s nicer than Rivercity ever was, and everybody’s actually working on these mass projects trying to decode ancient scrolls we found under the skool. It turns out, they describe a way to visit heaven. So obviously, we all decode and go to heaven.

When we get there, the first thing we see is a giant fountain with a posterboard taped to it. Telling us that no bald people are allowed. Ned is sent back to the real world by angels in giant lobster costumes, and the rest of us keep walking.

As it turns out, heaven is a gigantic Costo, and the first thing Skye and I did was run to the candy aisle, because we wanted butter tea and biscuits. When we and seven other Rivercity kids got to the candy aisle, we ran away because it was guarded by a giant lobster with the head of a catfish.

As we ran to where there is pizza, and met Aaron, who wasn’t even on any of the projects. Turns out Aaron is god. Aaron told us to turn around and we saw Lauren sitting in front of a computer in a lobster costume. Joel played DDR right next to her because in heaven, DDR powers everything.

Then the people from my youth group showed up because they drank too much champagne. I laughed in their faces, because their god was Aaron, of all people. Then the lobstercatfish turned up again, and I woke up.

Maybe I should try lobster?


Crazy Weather?

Stupid snow. I'm stuck in a house with my family for the forth day in a row. I don't know how much longer I can take this. I'm slowly, slowly going mad... on the other hand, I just ordered two DS games, so what do I have to complain about? Yay for Phoenix Wright!

Was anybody else crushed when it was discovered that Edgeworth wouldn't be in Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney?


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Harry Potter and the Inevitable Musical

Isn't that an interesting title? It's gonna be the first video podcast for Horror Centauri. I'm not entirely sure who's in charge of HC, but I keep getting this sneaking suspicion it's supposed to be me. I agree. This makes little sense.

Time Hat?

But I'm the one with the ideas, and I'm the one putting them in motion. We're going to being filming today, and finish by Friday, because Ned won't be at RLA tomorrow, and he is vital to the Big Ending Scene.

Time Hat.

How strange. I might just keep doing this crazy 'blog thing' and 'podcast thing.' I kinda like it.


Thursday, January 10, 2008


I might be a published author soon! This is exciting. I've written a short story and as soon as I'm happy with it, I'm sending it to my favorite scifi podcast, Escape Pod. I've also got a horror in my head, and it is making me oh so happy to report my imagination is active again.