Friday, September 24, 2010

Steampunk Reading Challenge

I realise I haven't touched this blog in an age and a half, and I mostly apologise for that. Not all the way, though, because I really doubt anybody checked it. For those of you who are checking it now, I'm delighted to give you a reason to continue checking it.
The internet has yielded this: link. Yes! A steampunk reading challenge. I'm not exactly sure how it's a challenge, as this is it: 'The challenge runs from October to October and there are no obligations other than to have fun discovering a genre and let other participants know about what you find.' But I think I can make that into something usable. Oh! I've got it. Here's my steampunk challenge.

I will read one steampunk book a week.

My definition of a steampunk book will start with this list, and if that runs out I'll put out a new list. There's lots of lists of steampunk books on the internet. I won't be reading a book on that list for my three weeks, though. I've got Jay Lake's Mainspring books for that.
Of course, the Steam Con guest of honor this year is Cherie Priest, so I need to both purchase and read Dreadnough and Boneshaker. I've already read the latter, so I can't use it in my challenge. But I need to buy it for the con, so I can get it signed.