Sunday, November 2, 2008


I repeat: Overload. 
It's only about a thousand-and-a-half words, I thought. It's only one webcomic, I said to myself. It's just one project, I told meself. It's only ten books, I announced, placing them on the library-books bookshelf. It's just one more thing, all the time, right? One more game, one more book, one more thing; I'm sure I can do just this one more thing by [date]! 
Overworked? What are you talking about? I'm not overworking myself, I'm an overachiever! I'm a go-getter! I am far too busy being a nerd to stop working.

01001100 01100001 01110100 01100101 0110010


PS: It's binary code!

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