Monday, November 17, 2008


My parents are attempting to bribe me with a car. No, really! They want me to go take a bunch of mundane classes at the community college so that they don't have to pay for and to keep me in the house longer. 
They've made me an offer I can hardly refuse; $250 towards a car for every class I take. I really DON'T want to sell out, but... a car means virtual freedom. 
Now, you're thinking; why not do it, Murphs? Go and get credit hours and free college credits and a car! There's a catch, though! THERE IS A CATCH THAT I SEE LOOMING ON THE HORIZON LIKE AN ELEPHANT IN THE CORNER. They don't want me getting away before the ABSOLUTE end of my senior year. This car is virtual freedom and figurative prison. I have no desire to stay in this town. I have been brought to Spokane against my will and have been on good behaviour, working hard to get out ever since. I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS.

I wanted a nice, basic elephant. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could always steal the car and ship it to another country