Monday, October 6, 2008


I'm predisposed to melancholy. Like Victorian people; never depressed, just melancholic (actual word). By the way, did you know that if you google Byron, you have to go all the way to the forth page for anything from Wikipedia? Usually that's the first thing to pop up,  but not in this case, apparently. 
But I'm getting off track. Sometimes I just need a nudge to get me going again, but sometimes I need a kick. My spark has been rediscovered, though it was certainly strange this time. Imagine: Usually, it involves making myself read a lot and  finding something interesting which I google and discover is fascinating! This time, the idea came when I was listening to music and trying to sleep (at noon). I suddenly remembered an article in one of my Steampunk Magazines about paper-mache, or rather paper-mache in Victorian era. It was the plastic of the time! They had developed water-proof, fire-resistant paper-mache. For the love of god, they made a paper canoe.
This is a medium that deserves attention. 

Hehe... Look up 'first computer programmer.' I found it quite funny. 

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