Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Upping the Game

I can't do it anymore.
No more sitting back with my steampunk. I've been pretty complacent until now. I tried, the way I half-heartedly tried a lot of other things. But this is not other things. This is STEAMPUNK, something I'm goddamn passionate about. So no more.
This is it, friends. Whatever happens in the next few years--graduation, university, Japan, whatever--steampunk is here to stay, and by god, I will do it myself. Even if I can afford to order all the absolutely gorgeous things I see on Etsy(Yeah, right.), I will not.
This is my steampunk declaration, my promise; no more half-heartedness. I will make outfits so that I may be SP everyday. I will work on jewelry, because I love it, and SP is a lot about the brickabrack. I will actually make Spatterdash! this time, and BY GOD I WILL KEEP IT UP. I will read the books, I will watch the films, I will listen to all the music I can get my hands on.
Let the game begin.

Yours sincerely,

1 comment:

Edmund F. Fadeley said...

Whoa...it's like the Declaration of Independence, but not at all. I wonder though, would history have played out differently if Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, and the rest of those crazy colonial aristocrats had pledged their sacred honor to a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that the free time of all her citizens must be devoted to the cultivation of a serious Steampunk aesthetic in all their endeavors.