Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Halloween Entry!

I know that yesterday was Halloween, and it's already seven on the first, but bear with me, yeah? I've been pretty tired recently.
The Halloween events put on by the clubs of SFCC were so much fun. Honestly, if I'd had people that awesome for the dances I attended in middle/high school (I only attended one high school event, I'll admit), I would have undoubtedly enjoyed them a lot more. I've also this to say to the International Club (the people who put on the after-carnival dance); please play something that's not rap-hip-hop-crap. Sure, they pulled out Thriller and the Macarena (everybody knows the Macarena). But come on.
Enough of my complaints. The whole affair was really terribly fun, and I won another costume competition (the first being the Anime Club's contest, thank you all!). I also danced in public again. Can you believe it? (I can't.)

Now that it's November, I'm probably not going to update as much as usual (which is hardly at all), since it's National Novel-Writing Month! I'm going to make it to 50,000 words this year, by hook or by crook, damnit! I've got a good feeling, since I'm already five hundred words deep.


1 comment:

Stoicned said... danced? In public? The mind boggles....