Monday, March 10, 2008

Planes, trains and all that.

I am saving... for a car. Hooray, I've actually started! Okay, not really. What kind of person did you take me for? Mind you, I need to get a jump start on that.
So my DM, Aaron thinks I should sell one of my stories. I'm not so sure about it though. I mean, maybe I'll record one and get to broadcast it, but really, I don't know. I don't like any of my stuff well enough to display it to the world. I'm super paranoid about flamers.
After all, I'm certainly not the next Lovecraft, or Rowling. Hell, I failed the seventh grade writing WASL. I should hardly subject people to my stuff. I'm scared that if I try, my large intestine will leap straight up my neck and throttle my brain for life and intelligence across the web, similarly to the second worst poet in the universe.
I like my brain.

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