Monday, March 24, 2008

In the darkest part of night...

I'm going to try World of Warcraft. Shame on me, I know. But... how can I resist? They used the word 'HORDE' I know that they don't mean 'horde' as in a dragon's, but still... too bad the internet sucks at this time. This just means I have to wait until the dark parts of the night when only the night owls linger in the forbidding ether of the spider's web. Then it should go reasonably fast.
Erm... Let's see... I guess nothing of real merit has happened to me really. Nothing I'd broadcast over the ether anyway. I got three shirts from Threadless (in Links column) and I'm happy to report that I might have them by the time I'm forcibly dragged to Florida. FLORIDA. I'd rather go to SakuraCon. And Scott Sigler's signing Infected on the fourth of April. SEATTLE, WHY DO YOU TAUNT ME SO?? Silly metro-natural Seattle is purposefully fucking with me. It's Spring Break, and things are happening. I COULD HAVE GONE TO SEATTLE, WHERE STUFF HAPPENS. But no. I get to go to...Florida.
Let's see... An oldish friend of mine who I hate has invited me to play D&D with his buddies. I'm tempted to take him up on his offer since Aaron's campaign hasn't gone anywhere since Meggles burned down a forest. I'm also tempted to ignore his offer completely because he's an ass hat. Decisions, decisions...

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