Monday, September 7, 2009


Uhh Yeah Dude makes me feel indebted to write here to-day. I also want to write to assure you all that no matter who I have to kill, I will definitely continue here. I'm nowhere near as awesome as Jonathan and Seth, but I can try (and fail).
I speak of these gentlemen--previously unmentioned, but subtly referenced--because I have just listened to six episodes of their podcast in a row. By the by, my brain has been melted and replaced with a direct line to craigslist. Thank you, Ned, for the recommendation. I honestly don't know what I would have listened to in the past fifty hours of Final Fantasy leveling and playing Animal Crossing (don't you judge me), and I have just learned so much about America this past month.
(Are you reading this?)

Okay, I'm done now. I hope I'll be able to write again to you all (my adoring fans!) this Friday, once I get back from my last RLA camping trip. And in case you're wondering, yes. I am unbeliveably psyched that this is the last.


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