Monday, June 16, 2008

Land of the Rising Sun

Ⅰam in Japan. This is both amazing and distressing. I have already tried to commune with Japanese nature, and I have paid the price; I got a cut on my foot that bled profusely. But I don’t flipping care because I have already done so, so much in this amazing land.
I have ridden an exceedingly comfortable bicycle, gone across a bay in a sea bus, been taught how to eat そめん by an old lady, seen the temple of the thousand Kannon, drank sacred water out of a holy cup and--best of all--I keep drinking an amazing juice with a happy face on it. This juice is so goddamn happy that I am going to drink its contents. Japanese juice sometimes comes in aluminum bottles and it tastes better than any American juice I have ever tasted. Apple juice is like biting into a freakin' apple, without the biting.
If you read this before I get back, Heaven S, I am bringing you back a full juice for your tasting pleasure. I dunno what kinds you like though, so if I receive no emails, I will bring Fruity Paradise.
Blah, blah, blah... something about how epic this is... Something profound... Blah, blah. I'm going to go buy a peanut butter sandwich and possibly some pancakes.

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