Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hey all,

To-day was my first official day of lazing about. I think that the best verb for my day would be draped over. I was draped over the chair when I fell asleep and I was draped over the desk when I was half-asleep and I started out the day half-draped over my bed. And I went to the library! What a satisfactory day.
I started reading Toradora! on the web, and I have to say, as per usual, I like the manga better than the anime. No offense meant to the anime version (still a great series), but I personally just like the style a bit more. The main characters look different, in a good way.
Unfortunately, you'll probably have to read my slightly inane reviews of manga ALL SUMMER (I'm sorry, please don't hate me...). I just have a lot of time on my hands and a lot of manga to read... By the by, did anybody else know that Densha Otoko (Train Man) was a manga as well as a live-action film?
Well, I've five dollars worth of library fines to read off (Minors can do that, you know.), so I best leave off and get started.


1 comment:

Stoicned said...

I believe the phrase you're looking for is ごろごろをします。 All is quiet on the catering front. Once Megan figures out what's going on, I'll let you know.

Reading a book about this crazy Victorian explorer named Percy Harrison Fawcett who disappeared in the Amazon in search of the fabled "Lost City of Gold." He's definitely wikipedia worthy. Check it out.
