Thursday, May 28, 2009


God, I hate this season. It's all pollen and sunshine and people see no reason why you don't want to go outside. I DUNNO. MAYBE IT'S ALL THE BUGS AND POLLEN AND SUNSHINE. BUT WHO CAN SAY?
...Forgive my vindictiveness. I'm feeling the effects of Spring. I hate Spring.
Another thing I hate: just about everybody at my school, which makes it slightly hazardous to be typing this post at school. I can hardly wait for the last days of school when I'll have the opportunity to just stand up in front of the school and tell everyone; My god. I hate you all. With a limited few who know who they are, I hate you all. Then I'd sit back down, fold my hands and let myself be stared at with anger. Or I may hold off and use words that no-one can understand.
Either way! Fun times.


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