Wednesday, January 21, 2009

One degree

My copy of The Mysterious Geographical Adventures of Jasper Morello finally came in the post, all the way from Australia! It's just as good as I'd remembered, but on a BIG SCREEN. It also comes with a surprising amount of subtitles. There's like eight languages on there. (Maybe more like five, but still!)
I tried it with the Japanese subtitles and realised I still have a LOT of kanji to learn. Which kinda makes me want to cry.
Kanji is hard.
In any case, I realised the Kayla was right: waiting for packages in the post IS like waiting for presents (that you had to purchase yourself). You don't know quite when they'll arrive, and it's a suspenseful wait.
Well it's the end of the semester, and we've all got papers to fill out telling our advisor (Ned) how much we've worked this quarter. Which makes it really terribly awkward when I can't remember just how much I've done... I think... There's been like one project I've REALLY done this quarter, isn't there? There's like the Giant Project of Doom (AKA Concerning the aestetics of Steampunk) and nothing else, if I'm being totally honest.
Wait, wait! I've just remembered. I'm binding a doodle book. I should go check on that.
Good morning,
PS: What's this I hear about a new President being inagurated?

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