Monday, April 7, 2008

Revise, revise, revise again...

I finally got some good critique on my story, Never Shall We Die, (horrid name, I know. I swear I'll figure something out...) by my good friend Rawren. Now I'll be able to revise! And in three (at least... Maybe more...) I'll get somebody to send it to a literary agent... Maybe...
Rawren said it was hard to critique (thank god she did it, though!) so if any other people want to give it a shot, e-mail me for a copy. I know you're out there. I see the hit counter. I KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE!! Heh...
I should figure out my audience. Before I do any sending out, anything resembling a final revision, I need to get this right. Maybe I should ask around at skool. Or to anybody I know who's read it.

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