Friday, December 21, 2007


My grandparents are over. This is... disconcerting. My grandparents and I have literally nothing in common. Really. There's nothing. It probably doesn't help that I suck at small-talk, but its easier to talk when there are things to talk about.

I hate Christmas. Call me Scrooge, if you will, but I honestly can't stand the damn holiday. Guilted gift-giving and false cheer turned real by spiked eggnog. Perhaps that's me just being cynical, but that's all the holidays I've experienced. I hate giving gifts. I'm always broke because all the books I buy, and any gifts I can make seem cheap and ridiculous. More often than not, I'll give away a particularly newish book that I might not have enjoyed. See? See? I hate gift-giving.

Screw giving people stuff they don't even really want. I'm better off with excuses or food.


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