Monday, March 16, 2009


The Rivercity Values Committee is a grievous waste of an adolescent's time. Honestly, too. Most of that was not sarcastic. About up to the adolescent's time bit. Pretty hard to waste that, eh wot. Logic and precedent tell me that Chenoa is on a road to everybody hates you, paved with good, and misled intentions. And I haven't even seen the presentation yet (But I will probably recap the meeting and edit this post to include my oh so valued opinion on it.)!
Should Ms. Durheim ever wander 'cross this corner in the internetal (lol wordplay) abyss, THIS IS A REALLY STUPID IDEA. THE ONLY WAY TO RESTORE RLA TO ANY REPUTATION WORTH BOASTING IS TO ELIMINATE THE MAJORITY OF THE GOD-AWFUL STUDENTS. Mind you, she will not stumble across my blog, nor will she give merit to anything I say, because it is I saying it and not her. Needless to say, this is a waste of my somewhat valuable time (stories to write, books to be read, doodles to doodle) and I am already off to a bad start, what with Chenoa not informing the relatively newly-elected student government about anything until almost half-way through our terms.
This is, I think, a argument in favor of my declaration; that the student government become a monarchy and that the various officials choose their successors, new ones every semester. Mind you, my opinion is not usually paid much attention to, as I am typically quiet. While one might assume that this would give weight to the things I do say, it is not. Much to my own dismay.


EDIT: As expected, the meeting was a waste of time. One must begin to suspect Chenoa is secretly a slacker and doesn't want any of us to know it. I mean, for the love of all that is right, the BS they threw at us is the same BS we've been trying to enforce for at least three years! What, do they think that now that it's on a fancy PowerPoint, that makes it official? That means that now we'll find it in ourselves to stop being asshats and get on with working?
Of course every high school's secret objective is to just push a bunch of students through the system; that's RLA's secret objective too!


Anonymous said...

Let's put Chenoa in a dumpster.

- Wryyyy!

Stoicned said...

Come now, powerpoint makes everything respectable.

Anonymous said...

Amazing insight from someone so young. Wish you were wrong.