So here we are, another week, another steam book. This week: Johannes Cabal, The Necromancer. I gotta say, I really like this one. It's not the steampunkiest book, per say, but it's pretty awesome no matter what.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Johannes Cabal: The Necromancer
So here we are, another week, another steam book. This week: Johannes Cabal, The Necromancer. I gotta say, I really like this one. It's not the steampunkiest book, per say, but it's pretty awesome no matter what.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Steampunk Reading Challenge
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Miss me?
I think this will be a summer of boredom, disappointment and anime. The first, because nobody's going to hire me. The second, because I'll continue to hope somebody'll hire me, only to be let down. And the last because why the hell not? Also, the second version of Fullmetal Alchemist (I like this version better.). I've really gotten behind on my Japanese girl cartoons.
There's a special edition of my summer, too. That's the one where I get a job or maybe go to Japan. Japan's seeming less and less likely, though, due to issues of meeting up. That makes me super-sad, but it's alright. It's not like I've never been, right?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Oh my goodness!
Already, I've been reminded that I have to register for Steamcon II. Registration just started a couple days ago, so they're definitely not sold out yet. And utter joy, Abney Park is playing again! It's worth the extra money to see them, their show is almost as amazing as their music. It's a pity, though, that Vernian Process isn't playing again, even if they were wicked loud last year.
I have also discovered that there is a tea house in Newport. Honest! It's The Foxwood Teahouse, available on reservation. It seems like a really neat place, though I don't think I'd ever get to go. Who would I invite?
But that's beside the point. The point is, would they hire me?! (Laughable)
Well, I'll leave you all alone for now, with the exception of this last link. Words can't tell you how jealous I am of that man.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Been Busy
My boyfriend went longboarding without his helmet, fractured his skull and was in hospital for a week, rehabilitation for a week and has been stuck at his parents' for almost two weeks. I've been busy taking care of him.
Besides that, my schedule is rather convoluted this quarter, and I've been scrambling to figure it all out. Luckily, I have.
I told you all when I got into Evergreen and I'll tell you all now that I've also been accepted at Portland State. Now, of course, I don't know if I'm going anywhere.
In other news, there really isn't any other news. As per any graduating student, my parents have demanded senior pictures, which I am deeply opposed to, though I know I will do it anyway. I also suspect they want a graduation party, but really, who would I invite?
Definitely hardly working,
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Song Away
Anyway. I'm going to Sakura Con again this year! I think I've mentioned that, but maybe I didn't, and either way, you know now. I doubt I'll be doing any cosplay, but I'll be steaming it up anyway. It's getting mainsteam enough that I may not be the only one. Anyway, that's what Original Characters are for, right (I can just say it's in the works over in Japan. People'll totally believe me...)? Do you think I should bring my enormous hat? Hah.
In other news, I have been accepted to a college, which is simply unbelieveable, isn't it? Fingers crossed for the others, ne (So not going to happen.)?
In other-other news, I am mortified with the schedule I have at SFCC now. The International Relations course I'm taking for my bloody civics credit is between the ridiculous hours of 1.00 and 3.15, Thursdays and Tuesdays. Srsly. I was so super-pissed when they changed the time from the original 10.30 to 11.30. That's a reasonable time for me. Now for three days a week I have one damn class. That's sure worth the hour and half to drive. And it's bloody Japanese too. Maybe I should just drop Japanese. It's not like I'm really keen on learning anymore, I just keep taking it. Weird...
To Ned; I somewhat regret to inform you that my spring break will hardly be noteworthy for your RLA 'zine. Try Joel. Maybe Donovan.
I'll post my expedition to Seattle, hopefully with a picture or two in early April.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Grawr rawr rawr decisions
Normally I don't bother blogging because I have nothing to say. Well, I still have nothing to say, but I haven't written recently because I have been playing WoW. (Hey Bryce, Ned--Does anybody else remember that presentation? That was a laugh...) It was pretty funny when I showed Bryce's hand motions-- W - o - W-- to John when we were talking about it. I'm even okay at the game itself (which you and I just lost).
You're probably already sick of me after this, so I'll leave for another hiatus and not return for half a month. You probably preferred the semi-intelligent posts I used to put up when I still talked to Ned on a semi-daily basis. Sure does suck to be you.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
It's been kinda cold lately, hasn't it? At least I think so. I've hardly been able to get warm anywhere. But those last three statements were just to bore you to death so you wouldn't bother reading the rest of my post.
I hate midterms. Well, you all probably know that I hate tests in general, especially standardized ones (anybody remember my anger at the WASL so long ago?). But midterms hold a new special place on my list of crap I loathe. Especially my English 101 midterm that I wasn't informed was a midterm. Awesome, right? Right. At least I passed. And not a low pass either.
Tomorrow is the Japanese midterm, which I cannot say I am looking forward to. I'm starting to forget why I'm taking this blasted language. Why am I taking this? It's not so I can understand the anime like many who're taking it. Nor do I have any interest in Japanese women like the rest of the class. Why am I taking this??
Anyway, it's late. I'm leaving you all at that.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Really Bloody Tiresome
I guess what I'm trying to say is that right now, I've only got a few things going in my life. There's only one or two I actually enjoy. Other than gaming and hanging out with John, I don't have any ambition to do anything. This reemergence of RLA apathy outside of RLA is making me question whether or not I'm a motivated person, which I guess I'm not.
Sorry, RLA. It's not you, it's me.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Yeah, Okay
Seriously, I just bored myself writing that.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
How Exciting!
But in other, more exciting news, a fourth Pirates of the Caribbean movie is in the works, due to be released summer, 2011. It's called On Stranger Tides, and since the plot was bought from none other than the steampunky Tim Powers, we can allegedly look forward to a little more steampunkery. By the by, you can bet your cogs I've got to read this book before the movie, and yes, yes I will dress up just as steampunk as I did for the release of Sherlock Holmes.
Less exciting but more pressing is the imminent return of school. Monday morning, I get to wake up at an unreasonably hour to attend my PoliSci class, American Government, at 7.30 in the morning. Now, why, you ask, would I ever go to a class that potentially boring at such an ungodly hour? Well, friends, it's because they don't offer it at any other time. And to make things even better, I can't find any class at 8.30 to occupy me before Japanese II (I will, by the way Ned, haunt the Japanese V class, though I'm way out of my league.).
So drink up, me hearties, yo ho!