Saturday, October 10, 2009

So. Lunchboxes.

I don't expect anybody to read this for a while, as the Fadeley family has a new baby and Ned is the only one who still seems to remember that I've a blog here. (Prove me wrong, friends!! Give me a comment, however banal!)
Anyway, I promised that I would post picture of my bento experiments all week, but in the end, I decided to put it off until Friday (Or Saturday. Whatever.). So here you are:
This is Tuesday's, which was for my sister.
Two plums, one peanut butter sandwich and about a quarter-cup of Captain Crunch.
In related news, our power was out on Tuesday.

Here is Thursday's, also for my sister. Again, two plums and Captain Crunch. However, as I could cook rice, the bottom portion of my box held about a third-cup of it, and for protein, I gave her a spoon of peanut butter.

Lastly, here's Friday's, for myself and the viewing pleasure of the Japanese Club. Another third-cup of rice, peanut butter crackers (Damn, I used a lot of peanut butter), baby carrots and cherry tomatoes. It's pretty bloody awful in my opinion, and my presentation on Japanese bentos was... lacking. Needless to say, the presentation Nazis of RLA would have been delighted to finally bitch me out on an awful project. Thank god they weren't there.

Nothing else really happened this week, so I'll leave you alone now.



Unknown said...

Don't worry! You've got at least one person who reads what you say and do! Also, can you come here, and make my lunch?

Lolami said...

Ah, I still read your blog!


Stoicned said...

Why did I use so many exclamation points?!?!