Monday, November 26, 2007


There's no excuse. I'm just plain lazy. I have not written. Typed. Whatever. Screw you. I AM LAZY. STOP BEING SILLY. I AM LAZY AND THAT IS NOT GOING TO CHANGE.
Anyways, all the kids near me are blogging about hot sauce on the skool's blog The sauce was called '100% Pain' and it was highly entertaining to watch them all have a taste. Highly entertaining. They could have their own act in a circus, I'm sure. Henry has a way of bringing out the stupid of the people around him. It almost makes it worth having lost the corner desk [insert tear here.].
In any case, I'm joining the campaign for Cthulhu's presidency. He deserves it, and we're all gonna die anyway. Check out the campaign at, Some good 'Old One' based stuff at Wonder where I find this crap? My favourite podcast in the world, Pseudopod. I love their stuff.
I might even try to write something for them. I'm not usually so good at the horror--I censor myself too much. Maybe something to do with faeries? People down-play their viciousness too much. They're cruel, cruel beings. Oh well.

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